Why You Need Photographic Inventory Documentation 

Do you know what you really own? Do you know where every item is located? And if you had to, could you prove the existence and location of all of your possessions?  Imagine this scenario: You’ve just left a holiday party, wearing a pair of beautiful South Sea pearl...

Why You Should Declutter

When we don’t allow ourselves to face the reality that more space does not mean that we need to hold onto more possessions/papers/stuff, we can end up drowning in it. Here’s how to keep just what we need for a happier life and a happier outcome for the loved ones you...

Maximizing Every Inch of Space in Your Kitchen

A kitchen should be as functional and clutter-free as possible. Here’s how to set it up and keep it that way. If you’re about to embark on a move, it’s the perfect time to take stock of what you own and how you plan to find a purposeful, proper place for each and...

So Much of It Is Worth So Little

With rare exceptions, you’re going to get 10 to 30 cents on the dollar for all that stuff you think is valuable.  Here is a reality that has been hard for my clients to wrap their heads around: Generation Y, Z, and Millennials don’t want anything to do with china,...